Making the Most of Your Time
They say that time is our most precious commodity. This saying is true because we cannot get more of it nor can we get it back if we’ve already spent it. In that light David gives us some wisdom stating:
They say that time is our most precious commodity. This saying is true because we cannot get more of it nor can we get it back if we’ve already spent it. In that light David gives us some wisdom stating:
Youth pastors often complain that the biggest hindrance to raising the bar in youth ministry is parents. Many parents don’t think of the long-term implications of a youth ministry that’s based on silliness, yet it is the parents who cry the loudest when their children aren’t having “fun.” American youth have parents who grew up when being a parent too often meant being a “buddy” to children. The failure of parenting, and of marriages for that matter, has had a serious, negative impact on millions of youth. But if many of the problems facing youth begin with parents, the solution can begin there as well. And many children want their parents to make that change.
One reason the Holy Spirit indwells us is to sanctify us. This is both a one time event and an ongoing process. When we come to Christ through repentance and faith, we are sanctified (set apart as holy) by the Holy Spirit.